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An Invitation from Keira Metz

Localised from this IGN wiki https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-witcher-3


An Invitation from Keira Metz is more a gateway to more side quest specifically for Keira Metz. All you have to do to complete this quest is go back and talk to Keira.


 From there she gives you the side quest “A Towerful of Mice.” This quest also is the beginning of pursuing romance with the sorceress.

'Video walkthrough JP region 1/4'[https://youtu.be/H1VMtro0M7c]

Video walkthrough JP region 2/4 [https://youtu.be/ugHhV62fLHI]

Video walkthrough JP region 3/4 [https://youtu.be/DOx6K6bvWH0]

Video walkthrough JP region 4/4 [https://youtu.be/mPwQk_b6sHM]
