

  • 平台/主題
  • PC
  • XboxOne
  • PS4
  • NintendoSwitch


Localised from this IGN wiki https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-witcher-3

Pieces of Witcher Gear are special Crafting Diagrams that are designed specifically by and for Witchers. These green-labelled items are often upgradable, and are some of the most powerful in the game.

They can be found by exploring the open world, completing side quests and purchasing maps from merchants.

Our Interactive Maps are Google-style map that anyone can add to.
It points out Witcher Gear, Places of Power and much more.
(Also works on most mobile devices!)

Witcher Gear Sets

There are six Witcher Gear sets in the game. These represent the different schools where Witchers learn their trade. Most sets contain armor, silver sword and steel sword and are upgradeable.
