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Feet As Cold As Ice

Localised from this IGN wiki https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-witcher-3

This page contains the walkthrough for Feet As Cold As Ice, a side quest in The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.

This quest is available after completing the Blood and Wine main quests.

Fast travel to the Nilfgaardian Embassy in the city of Beauclair. Just around the corner is woman named Jacquette who requests you find her heroic Francois.

Head past the Beauclair castle and head northwest to the marker on your map. Here you'll find a campsite with Francois resting along a couple of crates. Agree to help him fight off Grottore, then follow him down to the cave down below.

The cave is empty, so whip open your Witcher Senses and start searching the cave. Examine the plant, the baby cradle,
