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The Last Hunt of Nesaia

This is the fifth mission of a small questline to complete one request of the Kings of Sparta. It needs to be completed to complete The Conqueror.

As with the other champion missions, this is another assassination mission. Find the champion and kill them. Because Nesaia is in an unmarked location, we highly recommend using guided mode for this mission.

At night, Nesaia will be at an unmarked camp in the southeastern part of the Cursed Land of Oedipous in Boeotia. She should be asleep, so it should be easy to land a sneak attack on her--if her bear doesn't aggro first.

Nesaia is a ranged enemy who has a tamed bear. Taking her down may be easier by taking down the bears first. She also shoots poison arrows and bombs. The key to success is keeping a decent distance, dodging her attacks, and going in for some close-quarters abilities to do some serious damage when possible. For more combat tips, check out our Tips and Tricks.

Mercenaries sometimes come with pets ranging from wolves to lions. Use your bow to kill these with headshots from a distance before you start the fight. Pets tend to run around and annoyingly strike you from odd angles that are hard to predict as you're focusing on the mercenary

Once Nesaia has been defeated, the mission will come to an end. Return to The Conqueror at this point to complete this request made in The Kings of Sparta.
