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The Fall of Deianeira

This is the second mission of a small questline to complete one request of the Kings of Sparta. It needs to be completed to complete The Conqueror.

This mission is relatively simplistic. Find the champion, kill them. Deianeira moves around. Find more information about her in the City of Orchomenos, or find her near the Port of Kreusis near Lake Kopais. Call Ikaros to land a target on her. Because her location may vary, we highly suggest playing in guided mode for this one.

But like any mercenary, this one will be a tough fight. Dodge incoming attacks, especially the ones that cannot be blocked when the enemy is glowing red, use abilities, and parry to create openings. For more tips on combat, check out our Tips and Tricks.

Deianeira also happens to be a member of the Cult of Kosmos. After she's been defeated, confirm the kill. It will count for a cultist kill as well as the end of the mission.
