

  • 平台/主題
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The Contender

This is the second mission of a small questline to complete one request of the Kings of Sparta.

Now that Testikles can't compete in the games, it's up to the player's character to take his place. Stay in Elis and look for the Pankration Organizer. Head to Olympus.

From the Sanctuary of Olympia, follow the path through the temple. Call Ikaros to mark the target when prompted. Head down the left path until coming to a man in a robe in front of a playing field. This is the Stadium.

Speak to the man; tell him the truth or lie. Participate in the games by selecting "Let's go."

The following two fights are unarmed and do not allow for abilities to be used. But, dodging and parrying are still available. When the opponent glows red, dodge out of the way, and to create an opening parry their attacks. Timing dodges will slow time. For more combat tips, head to our Tips and Tricks page.

After the two fights, a few cutscenes will play. Alkibiades seems ill as he's congratulating the victories, and another member of the Cult of Kosmos will be identified. After these scenes, the mission will come to an end.
