
最新 DLC 《精英 危机四伏:奥德赛》上周推出后负评如潮

开发商 Frontier Development CEO 与创办人 David Baraben 周五在游戏论坛上发布了道歉启事。文中说,「首先,我想要真心诚意对那些遇到问题的玩家道歉。我保证我们很认真地看待这些问题,他们将会是首要任务。」

第一个补丁已经推出,Braben 更提到第二个补丁也很快会推出,并希望「处理之前回报的 bug 以及增加游戏的稳定性。我们将持续推出更新,会解决更多 bugs 与进一步提高稳定性。」

<h3>Elite Dangerous: Odyssey</h3><br />
<b>Delayed from Early 2021 to Late Spring (PC) and Fall 2021 (Consoles)</b><br />
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Frontier Developments announced the delay of its Elite Dangerous expansion on January 13 with the following statement: “The ongoing impact of the pandemic however, including the renewed lockdowns in 2021, continues to put added pressure on our teams and ultimately our development timeline. We have therefore had to make the difficult decision to make some adjustments and changes to our existing development roadmap.”

「奥德赛」是《精英:危机四伏》的最新扩充内容,玩家可以离开他们的太空船,探索星球,并参与第一人称的步行打斗。这个扩充内容在上周 5 月 19 日推出,但目前在 Steam 平台上有3000 多个评价都是「多半负评」。

Elite Dangerous started with a massive, open galaxy to explore, and somehow it’s only managed to get bigger since it launched in 2014. Most updates have been major new features broken into seasons, the second of which was dubbed the Horizons expansion.  Simpler things like 4-player groups and a PvP arena mode were added for free closer to launch, along with the ability to align with NPC factions and a revamped mission system to take jobs that can affect your standing with them.   The Horizons update improved Elite more significantly, starting with the long awaited addition of planetary landings. Horizons then expanded ship customization with unique loot and crafting mechanics, followed by adding smaller fighter ships that could be deployed from larger one. Most recently, Horizons finally gave every player a customizable avatar to create and introduced multicrew ships.  Throughout Horizons, hints and glimpses of Aliens have also been seen in Elite, and the Thargoid alien race is o

玩家表示游戏的表现有问题,游戏的界面、众多 bug 和崩溃都让玩家体验不佳。有一个玩家 Superdarknova 在 Steam 上评论,「如果当遇到崩溃、bug,缺少优化与缺少协作内容,你都能保持耐心与平静的心情的话,我就推荐你购买这个 DLC。如果你是一个单人玩家,有最高等级配备的 PC,那你完全没问题。但如果你像我一样,是个喜欢跟好友一起玩线上游戏,又只有中等配备的 PC,建议你等等再买。」

Braden 在声明中点出游戏表现是最大问题,他说,「我们原本预期游戏表现应该很好,但有部份玩家回报表现很差,有些玩家则说没有问题。我们正在追根究底找原因。」Braben 也感谢玩家的耐心与支持,并且表示《精英:危机四伏》的玩家社群「一直都是游戏的核心。」

本文编译自 IGN US 相关内容。



Frontier Developments | 2017年6月27日
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