动视暴雪以 1800 万美金与美国平等就业委员会和解



消息公布后,动视暴雪迅速地与美国平等就业机会委员会达成和解。新闻稿中说,动视暴雪承诺设立一个 1800 万美元的基金会来补偿受到歧视与骚扰的员工。还会更新相关政策与做法来「预防并消除职场上的骚扰与歧视」,也会大幅调整工作表现的审核系统。

<b>July 20, 2021 – Activision Blizzard Sued by California over Allegations of ‘Frat Boy Culture’ and Sexual Harassment</b></br></br> Following a two-year investigation by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the state filed a lawsuit against Activision Blizzard, alleging that the company fostered a “frat boy” culture in which female employees were subjected to unequal pay and sexual harassment. The lawsuit claimed that female employees of all levels of employment were impacted by this, and the state also alleged that Blizzard’s leadership failed to address any of these outstanding issues or prevent them from occurring within the workplace.</br></br> This “frat boy” culture was seen in male employees drinking “copious amounts of alcohol” as they made their way through cubicles to often “engage in inappropriate behavior toward female employees.”</br></br> One particular incident cited in the lawsuit involves a female employee, who was already subjected to intense sexual harassment at the company, committing suicide during a work trip with a male supervisor who allegedly brought inappropriate, sexual items with him on their trip. A source who has since departed Blizzard told IGN another story about how the room designated for breastfeeding didn’t have locks.</br></br> “Men would walk into the breastfeeding room. There was no way to lock the door. They would just stare and I would have to scream at them to leave,” The source said. IGN understands locks have since been added.</br></br> The lawsuit asks for an injunction that would force Activision Blizzard to comply with workplace protections, as well as deliver unpair wages, pay adjustments, back pay, and lost wages and benefits for female employees who were harassed.

动视暴雪 CEO Bobby Kotick 表示这个和解书「有建设性」并承诺对未来的性骚扰事件会更「警醒」。他说,「我们公司内不允许歧视、骚扰或任何不平等待遇,我很感谢那些勇敢分享自己经验的员工。对于那些体验到不当行为的员工,我深感抱歉,我仍不改承诺,要让动视暴雪成为包容性最强,最令人尊重也最尊重人的公司。」


本文编译自 IGN US 网站相关内容。



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