Xbox 在收购完成后才会规划 Bethesda 的未来走向

「我想要声明我们还未收购 ZeniMax。我们只是宣布收购 ZeniMax 的意愿」

Xbox 负责人菲尔‧斯宾塞透露,因为微软收购其母公司 ZeniMax 的手续还未完成,他还没有积极规划 Bethesda 的未来。在 Gamereactor 的访谈中,斯宾塞说他预期明年初将会完成收购。「首先我要声明我们还未收购 ZeniMax,我们是宣布收购 ZeniMax 的意愿。还要通过法规批准,但应该不会有问题。」

宾塞说直到微软正式买下 ZeniMax 前,现在就与 Bethesda 总监 Todd Howard 和 ZeniMax Media CEO Robert Altman 坐下来谈这些事是非法的。


斯宾塞说长期来看,他希望 ZeniMax 旗下包括 Bethesda、Arkane、id Software、MachineGames 和其他工作室都能打造他们最拿手的游戏,当然微软也会全力支持。

今年 9 月,微软宣布计划以 750 亿美金收购 ZeniMax Media。这个收购计划将会让包括《上古卷轴》、《辐射》、《德军总部》、《毁灭战士》、《耻辱》与《星空》等系列游戏,成为 Xbox 的第一方游戏阵容。

<b>3. Fallout 76's Subscription Service</b><br /> <br /> When Bethesda announced it was taking its beloved single-player franchise online, fans were skeptical. When the lead-up to its release was marred by controversy and poor communication, fans were frustrated. When it was released with myriad bugs and server issues, fans were angry. Then, when Bethesda revealed its $13/month or $100/year premium subscription service called Fallout 1st, the fandom hit its breaking point.<br /> <br /> The subscription service -- which, at its monthly rate, costs more than Netflix’s base package, Hulu, Disney+, Apple TV+, Xbox Live Gold, Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation Plus, or PlayStation Now -- provides access to few, relatively unsubstantial features: private servers, unlimited storage for crafting components, a placeable fast travel point, in-game currency, outfits, and emotes.<br /> <br /> It’s hard to pinpoint what’s most disappointing about Fallout 1st: Locking features behind a subscription service in a game that already requires an entry fee? The absurdity of its pricing structure compared to similar services? The lack of substantial content provided to those who do pay? Take your pick.<br /> <br /> Fallout 76 was undoubtedly one of 2018’s biggest disappointments, and thanks to its poorly realized subscription service, it's back as our sole repeat entry in 2019.

微软说将会尊重 Bethesda 与索尼之前的合约,《死亡循环》与《幽灵线:东京》将维持 PS5 独占游戏。

Ghostwire: Tokyo Reveals Gameplay Trailer for PS5

至于 Bethesda与其他 ZeniMax 的未来游戏,微软将会根据个别游戏决定。但直到收购完成前,菲尔‧斯宾塞不能透露他对 Bethesda 的规划。他说道,「我现在收到很多问题:『这个游戏是独占吗?那个游戏是独占吗?』 现在关于 ZeniMax 的事还不是我的工作。我的工作不是坐下来逐一检视他们的工作室,然后指手画脚地决定。」


本文译自 IGN US 相关文章


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Bethesda Game Studios | 2017年11月17日
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