

欧比旺独立电影已正式开始前期制作 - 欧比旺:星球大战外传


据外媒报道,该片将成为《星球大战第四集:新希望(Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope)》的前传电影。故事背景设置在塔图因星,讲述欧比旺·克诺比(Obi-Wan Kenobi)的逃亡生活。

obi-wan's greatest moments


年初“星球大战前传”年轻版欧比旺扮演者伊万·麦格雷戈(Ewan McGregor)说,他与官方那边就这部电影有过很多谈话,同时表示自己愿意回归。是否会开拍伊万自己也拿不定主意。

While it's no longer technically canon, John Jackson Miller's 2013 novel Kenobi offers the most memorable account of Obi-Wan's 20-year exile on Tatooine. Kenobi offers both engrossing insight into the mind of a grieving, former Jedi Master and a chance to see Obi-Wan act out the Star Wars version of a Sergio Leone movie as he protects the innocent citizens of his new homeworld.

《星球大战》系列最新电影《游侠索罗:星球大战外传(Solo: A Star Wars Story)》将于5月25日在内地上映,同步北美院线。


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