
Fullmetal Alchemist


Edward Elric changed the night he trapped his younger brother's spirit in the unfeeling steel of an ancient suit of armor. That night, Edward and Alphonse exploited the clandestine science of Alchemy to attempt the unthinkable - resurrect their dead mother. They failed, unleashing an alchemic reaction that ripped their bodies apart. Four years later, an expanding evil lurks behind the false face of freedom. With rebellion crushed, the State turns its eye to increasing its grip on the people by seizing a legendary artifact that would ensure complete domination and plunge the land into State controlled darkness. Now a lone State Alchemist combs the country for a single stone that could amplify his Alchemy. If successful he would control a power permitting him to restore the precious things that were lost.

Fullmetal Alchemist - 按时间最早



有这样一部漫画。2000年时,刚一发行人气就能正面硬抗当时如日中天的火影忍者(naruto,日本人气动画)和海贼王(onepiece,日本人气动画),其衍生出的两部动画化版本都是日本最高级的水准。09年的FA更是完美横扫了一切动画评分网站,做到了动画领域的大满贯。今天要说的,就是这部于09年重启,完全尊重原著的钢之炼金术师FA(FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST)。