

乔什·布洛林(Josh Brolin)说漫威的《复仇者联盟:无限战争(The Avengers: The Infinity War)》并不是一部无脑的动作片。


在《早安美国(Good Morning America)》的采访中,布洛林对这部电影评价是“感情充沛、更具互动性,出乎我的意料。”


而灭霸是不是拥有所有的无限宝石(Infinity Stones)呢?布洛林回答说,“灭霸有一些。”但是他并没详细说明。问到剩下的宝石的情况时,布洛林说他不知道这些情况。


The Avengers, torn apart in Civil War, will finally return to the spotlight when Avengers: Infinity War is released on May 4, 2018. The question is, which Avengers will headline this film, which is the first of a planned two-parter? Little is know about these sequels, although obviously the long-teased villain Thanos and his quest for the Infinity Stones will finally take center stage in the MCU, and the Guardians of the Galaxy will also pop up as well.



在这周的D23 Expo上,几乎所有《无限战争》的演员都聚齐了,让我们感受到了其演员阵容之强、其拍摄规模之巨。

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