

电影《佩小姐的奇幻城堡》女星艾拉·珀内尔将加入即将推出的《辐射》电视剧并出演主角。艾拉·珀内尔目前还演出 Showtime 坠机幸存主题新剧《黄蜂》女主角。

根据 Variety 报道,25 岁的艾拉·珀内尔已经确定出演该剧的女主角,但亚马逊尚未正式透露任何有关这个角色的细节。




《辐射》电视剧自 2020 年就开始筹备,由《西部世界》主创 Jonathan Nolan 与 Lisa Joy 担任制作人。预计今年稍晚将开始拍摄,Nolan 将会负责执导这部剧集的第一集。

<b>3. Fallout 76's Subscription Service</b><br /> <br /> When Bethesda announced it was taking its beloved single-player franchise online, fans were skeptical. When the lead-up to its release was marred by controversy and poor communication, fans were frustrated. When it was released with myriad bugs and server issues, fans were angry. Then, when Bethesda revealed its $13/month or $100/year premium subscription service called Fallout 1st, the fandom hit its breaking point.<br /> <br /> The subscription service -- which, at its monthly rate, costs more than Netflix’s base package, Hulu, Disney+, Apple TV+, Xbox Live Gold, Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation Plus, or PlayStation Now -- provides access to few, relatively unsubstantial features: private servers, unlimited storage for crafting components, a placeable fast travel point, in-game currency, outfits, and emotes.<br /> <br /> It’s hard to pinpoint what’s most disappointing about Fallout 1st: Locking features behind a subscription service in a game that already requires an entry fee? The absurdity of its pricing structure compared to similar services? The lack of substantial content provided to those who do pay? Take your pick.<br /> <br /> Fallout 76 was undoubtedly one of 2018’s biggest disappointments, and thanks to its poorly realized subscription service, it's back as our sole repeat entry in 2019.


艾拉·珀内尔最为人所知的是热门电视剧《黄蜂》里的 Jackie 一角,同时还出演电影《佩小姐的奇幻城堡》。她同时也为动画片《英雄联盟:双城之战》中的金克丝配音。也在导演扎克·施耐德的丧尸电影《活死人军团》中出演。

Ella Purnell as Emma

《辐射》是改编自热门游戏系列,最新推出的游戏是《辐射 76》。游戏最为人所知的是核灾幸存主题的幽默与诙谐的角色,以及科幻背景。贝赛斯达的 Todd Howard 也担任本剧集的执行制作人。

本文编译自 IGN US 网站相关内容。



Bethesda Game Studios | 2018年11月14日
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