Epic 宣布收购游戏软件开发公司 RAD

将把 RAD 主要技术整合入 Unreal 游戏引擎

Epic 游戏在官网上宣布收购游戏软件开发公司 RAD Game Tools。根据新闻稿表示,「将近 2.5 万个游戏,以及包括 Epic 在内的许多全球领先游戏公司,都仰赖 RAD Game Tools 的产品与技术。」

Epic 游戏旗下产品包括 Epic 游戏商店与 Unreal 游戏引擎。文中说,「Epic 与 RAD 打算把 RAD 的强大技术整合入 Unreal 游戏引擎,藉此让开发者社区与玩家受惠。」

<b>08. Fortnite</b><br />While we understand that Fortnite has reached peak market saturation and you’re probably tired of hearing about it there’s no denying that it’s been a phenomena that has made the career of several streamers and regularly brings in huge views on platforms like Twitch and Mixer. The craze may have stabilized, but that doesn’t mean Epic has slowed down their incredible in-game events like the Blackhole that shut servers down for a few days, kicked off season 2 and had children crying in their parent's arms. The regular tweaks and partnerships keep giving players a reason to sign on, be that for the chance to play as Batman to explore Gotham, or to become Thanos and wreak havoc on the world. PUBG, Apex, Call of Duty, and Escape from Tarkov are all doing interesting things in their corner of the Battle Royale genre but for the time being Fortnite remains king.<br /><i>- Destin Legarie, Senior Features Producer</i>

Epic 游戏之前也用过 RAD 的技术,特别是压缩技术,让《堡垒之夜》团队在开发时加快载入时间。随着游戏开发的绘图技术变得更真实与强大,开发者也需要最好的压缩软件才能在不损害品质下提高对数据的要求,文中称,「RAD 团队将会与 Epic 的渲染、动画、分析与音效等团队合作,将主要的技术整合入 Unreal 引擎。」

虽然 Epic 现在全资收购 RAD,但 RAD 将会持续与游戏业界、电视与电影公司合作,也不会排除没有使用 Unreal 引擎的公司。



Epic Games -- Poland | 2017年7月25日
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