

《堡垒之夜》最新的联动内容将会是《龙珠》,而且 Epic 已经透露将会在不到一周后的 8 月 16 日推出。



这只金龙就是《龙珠》系列中的「神龙」,只要收集了七颗龙珠就可召唤它出来实现你的任何愿望。虽然 Epic 并没有明说,但也不难猜到《龙珠》中的人物将会很快出现在《堡垒之夜》中。


<b>NARUTO SHIPPUDEN:</b> The long-running Naruto series has been referred to as one of the “big three” anime because of its wild popularity around the world, and for good reason. It’s full of action-packed fight sequences, hilariously fun moments, and dramatic scenes that pull at your heartstrings. In Naruto Shippuden, the story takes a darker and more serious tone as the characters are now older and face even more daunting challenges from the shadows as well as themselves. The Naruto anime series is known for its memorable characters and relationships, and it continues to be one of the biggest shounen anime ever, even long after it has ended. <em>– Mike Mamon</em>

《堡垒之夜》近来不停地与其他重要影视娱乐系列合作,最近的合作还包括摔角选手赵喜娜(John Cena)。


本文编译自 IGN US 网站相关内容。



Epic Games -- Poland | 2017年7月25日
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